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How can you contact us?

If you have any inquiries, remarks or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact us through the particulars given below or the form provided.

Customer Support – Reach out for help at
Wingo Prediction Channel – Get the latest predictions here:
Raja Games Official Channel – Stay updated with official news and announcements:

Email Us:
You can contact us for any support issues, enquiries or comments by writing us an email at:

All emails shall be answered within 1-2 business days parallel to the complaint.

Business Inquiries:
Should you have any request for cooperation or partnership, or any other business-related proposals, please write to us at:

We do care about your privacy! For more details on how we deal with the information provided by you, kindly check out our Privacy Policy.

Thank you for selecting Raja Games. We hope to hear from you soon!

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